Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.
~ Mae West
It’s that time of year again! Oh how time flies! Before I knew it I was frantically throwing clothes in bags to try to get in front of the snow storm trying to stand in between me & Las Vegas!!!
7 hours later…..I’m only 237 miles down the road…..SERIOUSLY!!! Bad roads you ask….? No, they were slick but had been plowed but CRAZY UTAH DRIVERS drive to fast & wreck after wreck had a slowed down to barely idling.
THANK the good Lord above for fabulous friends! I called it a night and got to stay with the AMAZING Marriott family! Thank you Michelle, Riggin & Bronc for a great dinner & movie! I think we should Train a Dragon ;)
On the road again… ! Viva Las Vegas, lets try again! Roads were much better. A little sketchy at spots and I’ve never been so happy to see DESERT in my entire life! Finally I arrived in Vegas the next day and only 4 hours late : )
Next time I’ll shoot for three days late….lol….then maybe the booth will be all set up! Hahaha…maybe not but it’s an idea.
Halleluiah! Set up and ready to go! Thursday kicks off the 1 st day of our 10 day COWBOY CHRISTMAS gift show!
We kicked off the first day with a bang! NATIONAL FINALS RODEO here we come! What a rodeo! World’s Best Rodeo Athlete’s paired with the World’s Best Animal Athletes! The energy in the Thomas & Mack is amazing! Thousands of hearts beating in rhythm and cheering on their favorites! The sounds of the banging chute gates is muffled by the booming of rockets and music! If you are lucky enough to be in the Gold Buckle section….You can actually smell the horses! The sweat, the dirt, the heat from their performance….present at every performance but appreciated ever so much more because you’ve been surrounded by a cloud of smoke since you entered the city limits! A Year of Rodeo brought to a it’s peak in Sin City!
Congratulations to all the Hoggan raised horses that were chosen to compete at the Finals. I was proud of each and everyone of you!
THANK YOU to the amazing Stoecklein family for letting me attend the rodeo with you! One night we even rolled to the rodeo in a limo! Gotta love Vegas!
Vegas isn’t Vegas without a trip to In & Out! (Apparently, In & Out is some people FAVORITE ever! I, personally think it’s just a burger but I will say it was the best meal I ate in Vegas for the price : ) …. &yes I had a lot of EXPENSIVE bad sandwiches!) THANK YOU to Taylor & Tiffany for a fun night with friends!
THANK YOU to my Mom & Jim for coming down to Vegas! They are awesome and I’m so proud of them making the trip down to the big city! Thanks for coming to visit me & meet all my Cowboy Christmas friends. Everyone I introduced her to said “ You have such a great daughter!” …lol…like I would introduce her to someone who didn’t like me : )
Drum Roll please……rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…..P.F. Changs for dinner!!!!! I love the Changy Changsters! Mom, Jim, Eleni & I had so much fun! Delightful food, Chicken lettuce wraps, Changs spicy shrimp (not on the menu), and Mongolian Beef with Sugar snap peas! Mmmm mmmm Good!!! Topped by Fortune Cookies (aka Sweet Cardboard!) & the fortune cookie game! Tons of fun!
What is the Fortune Cookie Game – Next time you get fortune cookies, go around the table & read your fortune out loud to the group….finishing with every fortune with the statement… “in bed”! Hilarious everytime!!!! : )
The night had just begun. Ship Mom & Jim up the road towards home and Eleni & I pick up Tiffany and head out on the town! Water massage, oxygen bar, oh what a night!!! I <>
SUN RISE in VEGAS....never seen by...most of the cities visitors :)

Ready to Rodeo again! Congratulations to Franciso Zamora for being honored at the Finals! His beautiful daughter, Melina, wrote a beautiful speech and the whole performance was very nice.
THANK YOU to Melina Melina & Tiffany Marie for a Cheese Burger’s in Paradise! Margarita Ville Baby!
Just when you think it can’t get any better….it does!
RANCHERO Party!!!!!!!!
Work all day, run to the room…I’d lie & say we freshened up but really we just swapped clothes & headed back out. Tickets in hand, security guard to even get on the elevator….We’re headed to the ELVIS SUITE!!!!!
WOW!!!! This was the coolest party I’ve ever been to! I can’t even attempt to explain it but her are a few pics from the inside

One of the 3 pools!

Katie & Mary

THANK YOU to Ms Eleni Collis for the best home cooked meal I’ve ever eaten! Eleni came & picked me up Friday night. We went out to her home in Henderson. It was AWESOME!!! A real home! No smoke, no dinging slot machines or crazy carpets! A real home! Eleni fixed the most delish roast, garlic bread, aspargas & potatoes ever! Thanks so much Eleni! YOU ROCK! Oh did I mention that her house is adorable! Decorated in super cute Lil’ Red Roan photography! So fun!!!
You would think that would be plenty of fun for one night but we were just getting warmed up! Eleni, Katie, Tiffany made our way to STUDIO 54!!! (That’s right a real Vegas club!) It was so so much fun! Danced the night away & showed them how the northern girls party! (I had flash backs to the Metlen in college : ) We were pretty much the funnest people there!

A big work day awaiting Katie and I, we turned in for the night….but we did it in style. Racing UP 2 sets of DOWN escalators! Oh the fun, a girl can have in Vegas….lucky for you…no pics of this lil stunt : )
The Home Stretch!!!!
The last day of the show was a big one! Busy day of selling and then start the tear down! YIPPEE!!!

The Stoecklein Girls at the Cowboy Christmas Booth!!!
(looking pretty good for being in Vegas that

THANK YOU to each and every person who came to visit me at the Stoecklein Publishing booth! I appreciated each and every one of your smiling faces! THANK YOU to all of our wonderful booth neighbors! You make the show fun! Katie, Taylor, & I got the booth tore down by Sunday afternoon. THANK YOU again to Katie, Taylor, Dave, Mary, Colby, & Annie! Love the Stoecklein family!!!!
72 degrees and still I was thrilled to be North Bound! Dry roads & cruise control! Much better than on the way down! Thank you to the Marriott family for letting me stay again on my way home! Love you all! Thank you to Jana Joy & the entire Davis family for taking care of Woodrow for me while I was in the big city!
Home Home Home! I haven’t seen the sun in 24 hours because of the thick fog that has set in this glorious country I call home. Woodrow smells like a skunk & so does my car from our ride home. I’ve already been to the vet with a wounded pet. Portions of today were spent in a down coat hauling in fire wood, wearing a head light and putting a straw bale in the barn for the animals…..Aww, HOME!!!
I lead such a glamorous life it is obvious why I was so excited to get home!

Rodeo Tales & Gypsy Trails
is proudly brought to you by
Lil' Red RoanJoin us on FACEBOOK out our 12 days of Christmas Specials!!!!

TEDDY BEAR ~ A story of a Bucking Bull
available at Lil' Red Roan now!

Turquoise Knives

Hot Pink Lockblade~ HOT