I apologize in advance...this post is random....& all over the spectrum of life...but pretty typical of mine ;)
Sunday – Well, Today I learned how to ruin the easiest bread recipe ever! Use racid flour in your beer bread and it will be so horrible not only will the Hoggan family snub their noses in disgust…even the dog Maggie is pretty sure that it was never ever meant for consumption! Ruined 2 loaves…just wasn’t convinced the 1 st one was horrible enough to stop : )
Electric Fire: Lil’ J2 is over at my house. It is fairly late and he thinks he should be fed dinner because he’s a growing boy. Drive to Dad’s to borrow some Ramen Noodles to feed him because my fridge is empty….as usual. Pick up cousin, Lisa, who is home alone and scared because power is flickering.
Come home to fix some grub. I am attempting to boil the water…..while talking on the phone to my Uncle Jim. START A FIRE on the electric burner on the stove! Apparently while executing an EPIC FAIL in Beer Bread making earlier…I had dripped butter or something flammable in the element & now had ignited an electrical fire! I hurriedly tell my Uncle I had to go ….there was a fire…throw the cell phone down… grab baking soda out of the fridge & douse the fire to extinction!
I don’t think the kids even knew I was trying to burn the house down :)
Besides trying to burn down the house...I also did my very 1st Family Photo Shoot! Here is a Peak at Carpenter Family Photos
SHOWING Your Lingerie …or in my case…Long Johns
I’m at a funeral. My choice for such gatherings is traditionally Sunday best. It is October in Idaho. Favorite Dress paired with Long Johns underneath to combat the cold weather! Perfect!
At the church, I have to use the restroom. No problem, I’m a big girl and don’t even need anyone to hold my hand….or do I... Apparently while in said restroom…I tucked the back of my long beautiful flowing dress….into my long johns (No not sexy silky long johns….black Carharts that I used to feed elk last year) Yes, tucked Dress INTO Long Johns & had NO IDEA! Walked all the way across the chapel to my seat…saw a few friends walk in that I had to hug before the services started….Strolled back across the sea of people in the chapel …..Hugged friends….& THEN my Aunt comes up behind me to tell me my dress is tucked in my Long Johns! Seriously, so embarrassing! My Aunt Nancy & Sister both said…why didn’t you wear a slip? Hmmm, well, that never even occurred to me…Long Johns to stay warm…yes…Slip to avoid flashing people…completely slipped my mind!
Vearl C. Crystal – May 29, 1919 – October 20, 2011
On a serious note...I had the honor of attending funeral services in honor of Vearl Crystal yesterday. Learning many things during the proceedings, about a man that I had known my entire life. It occurred to me that ….Vearl had been atleast 60 when I was born. By the time I met him…he had already lived a full life….little did I know how full! Serving in the military….then serving in public office as an assessor for 28 years…serving as a Idaho Senator! What an amazing man! He had dedicated the majority of his life to SERVING OTHERS! SO thankful for the example he has provided and a standard to strive for.
My memories of Vearl mainly revolved around baby calves. Vearl provided the rope calves for Hoggan Rodeo for years. In high school I would often have the task of taking the calves back to his house. To get to his corrals you had to back in down a long narrow road….next to his yard fence. In the name of yard preservation….I let him back in whenever possible : )
Privileged to have known Vearl. He was always encouraging and I never saw him ever raise his voice or spoke ill towards anyone. Blessed to call him family.
At the memorial services they told a story about a rowdy hired hand that was bragging to Vearl about his drinking, wild sleepless nights, and living with a gal. This was his reply & is one of my new favorite quotes.
"Why don't you marry her....Make a man of you & a lady of her"
~ Vearl C. Crystal~ May 29, 1919 - October 20, 2011
Sunday Sunset & Quote I Love!
to talk without intention,
listen without judging,
to give without reason,
and to care without exception
~ art of a true relationship
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to travel the gypsy trail with me today!
Rodeo Tales & Gypsy Trails
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Lil' Red Roan
NOVEMBER, 11, 2011
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At least you did have on long johns and didn't flash your panties to everyone. Do you now wear a slip or do you still go with out?
ReplyDeleteSince, slips seems much more sensible than I 1st thought.