The rodeo trail calls again…well…I might have even begged but regardless…I got to head out to one more rodeo ; ) Last rodeo of the regular season and I load up with my Uncle David & Woodrow for another fabulous adventure. Thank you to David for letting me tag along! In case you’re wondering…Fallon is NOT close to Hamer, Idaho. Add in 5 or so stops and you will just kill an entire day.
David is a rock star and cruised the Freightliner down the road like a champ. Woodrow & I …well…it’s a full time job just being us :)
Woodrow being a super trucker :)
Friday was a FUN FILLED DAY with Red Heads! Chillin with Uncle David and Nathan P. The goal of the day was to haul the rodeo stock from Fernly to Fallon….and eventually…we accomplished that task. One of the cool distractions was quick trip to Reno to a brewery to pick up a load of beer waste. Behind the scenes of a Brewery was bad a! Delicious homemade Root Beer, thanks for the tour guys!Rodeo…I love it…and one of my FAVORITE things about Rodeo is the AMAZING PEOPLE you meet! You’ll never guess who I got to meet!!!!????!!!!
The amazing Miss Adrian! Seriously, she is just as adorable in person. Go check out her music, you’ll be in love too!
Adrian Buckaroogirl on facebook:
Buckaroogirl's Blog....You'll love it!
It was pretty much a weekend filled with some of my favorite people! Even got to see the ever so talented Mr. Jace Angus ride some bucking horses. Thank you to everyone who came out to join in on the fun. THANK YOU to the Fallon Rodeo Committee for letting us be a part of your Senior Pro Rodeo Weekend!
Thank you to David, Nathan, and the entire Rodeo Crew! You rock! Great weekend!
Oh boy….here is where the real work begins….! Load stock and head down the road towards Idaho! K, the ride down was easy-peasy in the passenger seat but the ride home would not be so. David bought a semi so he was going to drive it home….& I am driving the Freightliner and a load of mares.
(No pictures for this portion of midnight driving through Nevada construction ...for obvious reasons :)
Super Trucker….lol….well…I think actually I was grinding gears worse the farther down the road we got but we did arrive in one piece : ) By the time we hit Wells, I has pulling in the truck parking like an ol’ pro.
lol...regular Lot Lizzard
Monday morning I am going for “All-Star Trucker” status! I lift up the lid of the big rig and wash my windshields. (Yes, I felt pretty awesome…just being smart enough to lift the hood of the truck : ) While I’m at it , clean out all the garbage from the sleeper, even a few pieces in the parking lot on my way to the garbage can. There was an old belt lying on the ground so I gathered it up for the garbage run also. Well…on the trip pack across the lot….I discovered….well…what I think was someone’s entire wardrobe! Seriously…I don’t want to know!
Well, there was more adventures from the trip home but I'll save that for another day.
Thank you for traveling the Gypsy Trail with me today :)
Rodeo Tales & Gypsy Trails
is proudly brought to you by
Lil' Red Roan
Happy Hunting!
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NOVEMBER, 11, 2011
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Love love love love LOVE all of your amazing blogs...and you are just too sweet woman! I LOVED getting to meet you in person, you are so amazing! I can't wait to hang out more someday soon! <3