I spent the weekend close to home. Even worked in Spud Harvest for the 1st time ever...& on my birthday to boot! I'm a real Idahoian now :) Don't worry...I still missed being with Olie Belles & all my Montana friends...even thought about getting a wild hair & running up for the night. I resisted the temptation and got some much needed things done...but in the back of my mind I wished I was there instead of home.
During my weekend home I had the chance to be up to Grandma's with a pile of little girls (all relatives in a round about way...but that's another story) The girls were wound up like a 10 day clock...playing... Duck, Duck, Goose...Ring Around the Rosie...and pretty much just running around the living room screaming and giggling like little girls.
At one point the girls were running around the coffee table laughing and playing. Grandma was sitting at the couch next to the coffee table. Every time the girls would pass her she would say...Oh, I love you! I'm so glad you're here! (Now, I on the other hand, was thinking...geez these kids are good birth control) With out wavering, Grandma would let out an excited outburst of joy and appreciation for the children and happiness in her living room.
"I want you to know I love you! I always have and I always will!"
In that moment, I realized what an amazing example everyone in that room was.
The girls were HAPPY!
They were enjoying every single moment of joy that the day had to offer them regardless of were they where or who they were with!
Grandma spends a lot of time alone since Grandpa passed away in 2005. She was enjoying the life and happiness that the little girls brought into her home.
Enjoying the companionship of having company!
Lesson Learned :)
Here are a few pictures I grabbed with my cell phone. Often times that is the only camera I have with me. They are blurry and definitely leave room for improvement but they captured the moment that I was trying to remember.
I'm thankful that we were able to spend a night learning from Grandma :)
The girls were HAPPY!
They were enjoying every single moment of joy that the day had to offer them regardless of were they where or who they were with!
Grandma spends a lot of time alone since Grandpa passed away in 2005. She was enjoying the life and happiness that the little girls brought into her home.
Enjoying the companionship of having company!
Lesson Learned :)
Here are a few pictures I grabbed with my cell phone. Often times that is the only camera I have with me. They are blurry and definitely leave room for improvement but they captured the moment that I was trying to remember.
I'm thankful that we were able to spend a night learning from Grandma :)
lol...these pictures are CRAZY but they capture the little wild women in action and with Grandma. Realizing that she won't be here to teach us forever, thankful for all the time spent.
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Gypsy Trail today. I truly appreciate you stopping by. Happy Sunday! May you enjoy all the blessings prepared for you today!
~ That Girl
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NOVEMBER, 11, 2011
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