I had the honor of crossing paths with Adrian on the gypsy trail this fall at a Nevada rodeo. She is every bit as charming in person and I've been excited to learn more ever since. Adrian was kind enough to answer a few questions and give us a glimpse into her amazing world.
Name: Adrian
Age: 19
Hometown: the open road
Talents: Endless
Q: Hometown?
A: Hometown: Dang ,it I wish I had one! Born in Southern CA, raised in Northern NV for part of the time, Scotland for a lot of it and a bunch of places overseas including (but not excluded to!) France, Switzerland and Ukraine. Then back to Nevada and now Northern CA! So I guess you could say my hometown is the road!
Q:How old were you when you started singing?
A:I honestly don’t think I remember a time I wasn’t making a ton of noise, making a song up about something or just generally trying to make some kind of everyday sound-change into something in-tune or different. I’m totally fascinated by sound!
When I was 14, just for fun, I sang a few songs I had written on an open mic at the Monteray Cowboy Poetry Gathering. A couple from Utah, Mike and Liz Vanderhoof, heard me. They walked up and said “Hi, we know this is out of the ordinary but we’d like to help you make a cd and a career”. I was totally freaked out of course, I’d been planning on becoming a Museum Cureater when I was old and this was so crazy! But then it ended up being this amazing ride to a profession, and a passion of a lifetime…So long story short, lets just call it 14!
A: I know lots of artist’s who have a specific place that they write REALLY well, a little hide-away in their house or a favorite casino/coffee shop ect. I’m no different...except that mine has wheels!
It’s so funny but I literally can write the best when I’m in my truck on the road somewhere. It helps if I’m in a certain area, but there is just something about the freedom of being on the road, the old motel rooms, the gas station coffee (can you tell coffee is a huge part of my life?!) Everything about the blacktop life creates a backdrop to write, and write for myself. I always carry a bazillion little books with me, in my purse, back pocket, coats, truck….I have pens falling out everywhere. It’s actually quite funny looking, but I have to have some way to capture that lyric at that second or you will lose that moment’s awesomeness!
Another place I can truly WRITE is just horseback out doing something of value. .Gotta admit though, it gets a little tough sometimes. Always writing with one hand while holding a calf or having to stop something to grab a pen. It’s all a part of the beauty of being able to do what I love, and I wouldn’t trade this crazy wonderful life for the world.
(I've been listening to Boots & Pearls on repeat for days!
The more you listen, the more you love it! - Mindy)
Q: Favorite Song ?
A: Oh boy! Tough! Of mine, I’d say probably say of mine right now something off of the new album that’s gonna be here in 2012….Either Branding Pen of My Father which is a duet with Waddie, or Run Boys Run, which is kind of my little freedom song about not allowing myself to be tied down, not be told what to do and escaping from someone who tried to stop me from being me.
Of someone elses right now I am pretty much re-discovering all of Ian’s older albums, and I can’t take “Aldelta Rose” off of repeat!
Q: When did you ride your 1st bucking horse?
A: Oh dear…I don’t know if “rode” can be the term used. I got on my first one in Cedarville, California, during something called Superbull. I came out on this bay mare and just ate it not even 3 jumps out of the chute. But the second I hit the dirt I wanted to get on again. I’m hooked, and I cant imagine not being able to get on buckin ponies after I’ve had a taste.
Q: What inspires you?
A: "Crazy wonderful inspiration! It’s amazing how life can throw so many different ideas, and I find inspiration in everything. A Disney movie, the color blue, that split second before you catch two heels in a branding trap and you know your daddy is proud of you, the feeling you get settling down and leaning back in the saddle in the chute, lifting as hard as you can and nodding your head for a bronc you’ve waited for forever, the way the snow flies sideways when you’re hauling horses through the valley outside of Austin, the sadness when the summer ranch rodeos end and the elation when your love grabs your hand horseback and smiles after you’ve choked down a mean old cow together, the way a new pair of underslungs hurt just right, the way that old worn Jack Keuroc books opens just right onto the perfect words, a sip of Glenlivet Whiskey aged 12 years and shared over stories of when Nevada was really wild.
The things God has gifted us without needing to here on earth, He didn’t HAVE to grant us colors, sounds smells and hearts that feel things deeply. He could have given us a world in Black and White….I am challenged everyday to make the most out of what he has given us, and to make people feel something through my writing and music….I see that as the greatest blessing in the whole world."
Below are a few of Adrian's art pieces that INSPIRE me! Not only is she a talented singer/ song writer but she also is a very talented artist and jewelry designer. From head to toe...or in her case...Boots to pearls....Miss Adrian is all TALENT!
Pearls and Bucking Horses by Buckaroogirl Jewelry ~
to see more visit facebook ~https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adrian-Buckaroogirl/280524162956?ref=ts
Q: Heros?
A: Well heavens, My heroes are tough. I am INSPIRED by lot’s of people-and amazed by so many it’s hard to pick a few! My family has always been some of my biggest heroes (and if you ask them fans too!) and especially my sis of course.
But this last year I’ve added new heroes to the list-I’ve met so many amazing STRONG confident women that truly amaze me and push me to do better and better. For instance, my best friend, Katie is the most crazy motivated person with her school. It impresses the heck out of me and makes me want to try just that much harder in the future. Reading really has given me new heroes too. Discovering the history of someone you admire is an amazing thing and the more I can read and learn about the person I admire the better!
Read more with Adrian at her blog: http://buckaroogirl.wordpress.com/
All photos courtesy of Adrian, thank you
Adrian is so talented! I could just go on for days and days. She is a truly inspiring young lady! Her work speaks to my soul! I LOVE it all!
Adrian's web-site:
BUY Highway 80 (Adrian's 1st cd)
BUY Boots & Pearls (Adrian's 2nd cd)
Buckaroogirl Blog (Adrian's Blog)
Adrian Buckaroogirl ~ facebook and the best place to keep updated on new releases, latest drawings, and BUCKAROOGIRL jewelry!!!
Thank you so much for traveling the Gypsy Trail with me today. It was my pleasure to share a glimpse of the amazing Miss Adrian's talents. Go out and buy Adrian's cds! You will love them. I'm so excited to hear the next album! Oh, did I mention, Adrian and her beautiful sister Liz wrote a book that is at print right now! Buckaroo Barbie! Be watching for that also!
If you can't tell, I'm ridiculously excited about it all! I'll update with links to purchase when they are available. :)
Merry Christmas!
is proudly brought to you by
Lil' Red Roan
Available now from Lil' Red Roan!

p.s. Here is a few more of my favorite things
- Lovely Lady Leg Knives
- Sortin' Pens
- Original Cowgirl Cuffs
- Lil' Red Roan Hoodies
- Love Letters from the West
- Lil' Red Roan Christmas Ornaments
- Lil' Buckaroo Gear & Apparel
- Brockman Western Lighting
- Red House Ranch
- Rockabilly Ranch
- Travis Stringer Western Wedding Rings
Loved reading this one!! I would love to meet her and Liz one day!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie~pie!!! You told her story just perfectly. I love, love, love how she embodies the free spirit of a cowgirl. A REAL cowgirl!!!