LUCKY Friday rhe 13th ~
It had been a long time since Olie and I ran road tripped. We picked right up where we left off…and in true Idaho girl tradition…we got on the road about an hour later than we had planned. I left the house in good time but was about 25 minutes away from home when I realized that I had left my purse! (lol….if my head wasn’t attached) A minor detour…and I was MONTANA bound again!
Later it would appear that our morning delays had also been heaven sent. As we dropped down into the Twin Bridges valley, off to the left hand side of the road, a man opened a gate on a corral FILLED with big black cows. The second the gate open the cows moved out at a high lope! Even if we had been seconds earlier in our departure…we would’ve been smack dab in the middle of a herd of cows at 70 miles an hour. From that point on, we soaked up every beautiful blessing that had been prepared for us on the road!
Destination: Great Falls, Montana for the 2012 Montana Circuit Finals!!From the moment we stepped out of the car, Olie was meeting and greeting friends, family, and loved ones! What an amazing example! Even in the 10 minutes it took us to check in to the hotel I learned so much from that amazing woman! She holds her head high and greets EVERYONE she sees with a big smile, warm hello, and some even a hug. What a way to take on life!
Thank You for an amazing Fun Filled weekend filled with Friends & Rodeo Family!
and they didn't disappoint! Instant Request in the bronc riding made my heart go pitter patter! Alley Cone was quite the treat also!
...but that's another story :)
Link to: Montana Circuit Finals 2012 - Beautiful Bucking Horse Weekend
Watch out Montana, the Hoggan Girls are in town!
The bucking horse sale was a delightful morning spent with friends. Tiffany even braved the early morning assignment and volunteered her time.
Pictured above is my Larry Jordan, Jay Hoggan, and Alvin High
Montana Bucking Horse Sale ~
Congratulations to John Duffy, high selling horse of the sale, horse sired by a David Hoggan stud on a Duffy mare. Kudos to Gene King, in my opinion, had the nicest bareback out. There was also a cute lil blue horse that I really liked. Gene sold some sold campaigners rodeo horses. I was proud of them all. Great crowd and ran smooth for the sales 1st year. Best wishes to the Circuit on continued success!
Saturday night is LEGENDARY! You can feel the excitement in the air! As we approach the arena, you can see the silohette of a cowboy walking in front of us and hear the music of spur rowels on pavement in the cold crisp Montana air. Just inside the warm up arena, the air is cozy, and the smell of horses warms the air. The broncs are an Eliminator pen of sorts & the horses DREAMS are made of!!! Bonus Alley <3 <3 <3
The horses were fun & the FRIENDS were even better!
Western Rodeo friends and I don't get to see them nearly enough!
Brandon & Tiffany, Will & Angie, Jake & Holly, Marshalls, Downings, Dellen's, Jackie Jensen, Wade Sankey, Hollands, James, Tyrell, Chase, Tucker, Cortani, Wagners, Tiffany.....I could keep going for days! Just a few of the amazing people that made the weekend wonderful!
So so much fun! ...It was like the good ol' college rodeo days :) Holly, Jake & I even woke Olie up for a visit at 2 in the morning.
- 2 different friends found the love of their life at this years Miles City Bucking Horse Sale. Single girl say something to the effect that I need to sort better! Brad Marshall replies, "You need to sort less"
- Match Maker ~ Guy friend tries to set me up with a friend. lol...aside from being pretty akward...not effective. Later I report in...He didn't love me :) Friend replies, Just because he doesn't know who you are. (Which in itself made me giggle) However, later I would learn...he asked friend about me the next day...Asked if I was Friend's Wife? told said Friend to not hang out his match making single just yet :)
- Young Bronc Rider, "Those bigger saddles, you almost have to spur to stay on"
Congratulations to all of the Montana Circuit Finals contestants,
especailly all the WESTERN kids :)
Congratulations to Chase Erickson, Western Alumni & the reigning BAREBACK CHAMPION! Also a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Jake Costello,
SADDLE BRONC CHAMPION, and Western Alumni!
Never a dull moment, a trip home in the snow. I stayed in Dillon and in the morning a new adventure was at hand. The babies were out with the bred cows ...and a bull. so Olie & I headed out to sort. She has a college educated herd of horses that have became quite proficient in "gate opening"
Oh yes, and on the way home...I just happened to have such great timing that I was able to block a hole on the on ramp so Dad could move some horses across the interstate :)
See you soon, at the very year at the Montana Circuit Finals
~ Mindy
p.s....more bucking on the Montana Circuit Finals and the Beautiful Bucking Horse Weekend click here
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