Sunday, March 25, 2012

Love! Love! Love! A few things I Love

A few things I LOVE! Every Valentine's Day I usually post a collection of things that make my world better, brighter, and just a little more beautiful because they are in it. This year, I had intended to do just that but as you can see it is mid March and that still remains on my "To Do" list.
Better late, than never! I think EVERY Sunday is a perfect time to count your blessings and give thanks for all the goodness in your life so here goes!

A few things I LOVE!

FAMILY, FRIENDS, Beautiful Sunsets, Lush Green Grass, LAUGHING, Unconditional Love, Bucking Horses, Rodeos, Rodeo Family, Block Parties, Great Neighbors, Card Games, Pink House Adventures, HOME, Photography, CREATING, SHARING, Writing, Music, Puppies, Lil' Red Roan.....

These are just a few of the many blessings that have made this last year so wonderful.
So thankful!

Love my lil' buddy, Woodrow, and the adventures!
Always happy to see me.

Love living in Hamer. Love being close to my Family.
Love that I have such a great support system.

2011 NFR in Vegas
Rita, Jay, & Mindy Hoggan
Kevin, McKell, Ellie, & Josie Carpenter Family
Family Photo Shoot
Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo 2011
Rita, J2, Mindy Hoggan

Love my NEIGHBORS! Blessed to live in such a great community.
Love having summer cook outs and block parties.
Love having winter card games.
Tree Swing at a Pink House Block Party
with Jalette, Penelope, J2, Ellie, and Miah
Card Game at the Pink Palace
Penelope, Jay, J2, Houston, McCall, Boone, Rita

No matter how long in between visits,
we can always just pick right back up where we left off.

Love RODEO and the amazing Rodeo Family it has brought into my life.
Love working with my family.
Love the perfection of a rodeo performance that brings a whole community together
to celebrate and enjoy all of the above.

Montana Circuit Finals ~ Mindy, Angie, Tiffany & Baby Jetta
2011 WESTERN RODEO Banquet
Matt, Mindy, & Pete
2011 Miles City Bucking Horse Sale Weekend
Tiffany, Brittani, Mindy
LOVE all the moisture and GREEN GRASS we have been blessed with!
Beautiful backdrop for wherever your adventures take you.
Fat, happy, and full livestock!
Love all the amazing trails and adventures I've been able to take!
Love Photography and the chance to capture a moment in time
to remember and love again and again.

What a perfect way to gift wrap a day.

LOVE Lil' Red Roan and the opportunity to do what I love!
Love the chance to Write, Share, and re-visit my trials with you.
Thank You so much for traveling with me today.
I loved being able to count a few of my many blessings today.
What a great way to start of the week.
Enjoy all the blessings that have been prepared for you today!
God Bless,
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p.s. Here is a few more of my favorite things

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