Please notice the flip flops that Jenny and Jana are wearing for the following adventure
I woke up this Saturday the morning, the same as I do everyday. Little did I know the whirlwind adventure this Saturday had in store for me! :)
The beautiful Miss Jana Davis and Jenny Rountree made the voyage to visit the Pink Palace for a big crafting and project weekend. Well, not 5 minutes after their arrival, Dad blows thru the door and proclaims "I'm HUNGRY! Let's go to the Taco Bus."
All three girls would pile in Dad's pickup truck and head to the Hamer Taco Bus. Dad had Lady Gaga BLARRING on the radio so loud you couldn't even heard the person sitting next to you screaming. ......and here the Hoggan Adventure begins. :) Taco Bus bound!
Dad LOVES the Taco Bus but I'm not really that adventure some but decided to give it a try. Don't worry, I called Omar 1st to find out what I should order. Spicy Pork Tacos were the recommendation and he didn't lead us astray. Quite delightful I must say.
Travelers Side note:
If you ever venture through North on I-15, exit 150. Head towards town ( aka turn towards the School, Church, and Post Office) and you will see a lil' Taco Wagon with a a couple picnic tables set out in front. If you're hungry try the Spicy Pork Tacos. Also, aside from icecream and candy at the Part's Store....the Taco Bus is the only food in town.
Full of delicious food and headed.....Ok.....I don't know where we are headed but Dad definitely did not turn towards home. Little did I know that this adventure was just getting started.
Before we knew it, we were touring the Ball Family lambing operation in full swing!THANK YOU to Blake for letting us load up on the Granny Cart and go along for a ride to see a sheep operation in action. We went out "Lamb Licking", loading up the new pairs in the Granny Cart and bringing them into the barn. (Dad called it Lamb Licking, I don't know if that is the proper term or not.)
Pictured Below:
New born baby lamb ready to be loaded in the Granny Cart and taken to the barns.
~Photo Courtesy of Jana Davis
New born baby lamb ready to be loaded in the Granny Cart and taken to the barns.
~Photo Courtesy of Jana Davis
Photo Courtesy of Jana Davis
The extracting was amazing to see!
So quick with a Shepard's hook that you barely even knew it happened.
Photo Courtesy of Jana Davis
Every once in awhile, their is a rouge Ewe that throws out evasive maneuvers and has to be roped to get loaded in the Granny Cart. Dad is ALWAYS game for roping and was as excited as lil' J2 when the opportunity presented itself. Dad took off with rope in hand like a lil' kid in a chicken roping contest. For those of you who know my Dad, you are already laughing thinking about this. For those of you who don't....picture a portly ol Cowboy running on foot as fast as he can swinging his rope and stalking the rouge sheep. It was hilarious! Dad lost her around a feeder but Blake soon had slid around and hooked her, slick as could be.Photo Courtesy of Jana Davis
Attempted Sheep Roping Video:
Dad started hollering "BRING the Tractor" This is where I would learn that I had been laughing too quickly and soon I would be the comedy value for the next scene. The 3 of us girls had been enjoying quite a show from our view on the Granny Cart. Now.....the tractor needs to be brought up to load the captives. Lots of screaming....pushing levers....going backwards....and soon we were off & moving in a forward motion towards the destination.
Here is a clip Jenny filmed of my Granny Cart driving debut. You can hear screaming about trivial matters like...."I don't know how to stop" :)
Best Video of ALL...If you only watch this one :)
Amazing glimpse into American Ranch Families and people who feed our nation.
Thank you to all the hard working families who devote their lives to being shepards, lambing, calving, care-takers, and providing food for our nation.
Just when you think you can't have anymore fun, we load up in the pickup and stop at Dancing Bear's camp. Dancing Bear is a herder and was kind enough to give us a tour of his camp. It's bad a! It consisted of two handmade camps, both with horse drawn capabilities.
View as we came into camp
What a day....and it wasn't even close to over yet. So many adventures in so little time. It's quite girls didn't get that much crafting done. We ended the day with a bang. Big card game at the pink palace with neighbors and friends. Laughing until we were crying! So so much fun! Thank you to Jana and Jenny for making the trip to visit. Thank you to Dad for always being a Grand Tour Guide.
Thank you for traveling this trail with me today. What a grand adventure!
Love ya,
Rodeo Tales & Gypsy Trails
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